Sunday, April 18, 2010

Raven Riley Fotoğrafları

3 prejudice compared to online fundraising and web 2.0

So, we start with the basics but once. Was so now 3 days on the fund-raising conference in Fulda and some fund-raisers still have still considerable prejudice against the online world:

first If I go into the social networks, I lose control of my brand
- Wrong. The people have spoken more about their so-called brand and do so now at the moment face-to-face or online. If you make friends with social networks, you have only the possibility to participate in these discussions and connect with the people in dialogue. From person to person. So you are also human and authentic.

second What am I to the Internet - but there are always only the young people. My donors are much too old
- False. In the U.S., 70% of 50-64 year olds online and even 64% of the over-65-Online. Facebook is climbing up in this group in one year from 45th place to 3rd place. (Http:// In Germany, according to occasionally use ARD / ZDF online study 51% of 50-69 year olds the Internet. Especially for e-mail and search engines. That's already a start. And as the Canvassing has shown, younger audiences are changing it to something interesting. The ability to address new target groups, the Internet like no other.
addition to a comment from Silvio: articles about online shopping - this brand name is GfK survey (March 2010):
"Above all to go shopping more and more elderly people and senior citizens online now around 40 percent of 50 - to 69-year-old order. primarily rental cars, computers, medicines and dietary supplements with a mouse click, such as the GfK survey "did
- The older generation is currently an active yet on Facebook, and uses all Tell-A-Friend features But information search and e-mail are learned by now to the need to comply

... 3rd Website & E-mail is now just out from social media
-.! extreme wrong convoy, according to the Giving Survey 2009 visit 44% of all potential new donors before donation, the organization's website to inform themselves and a sense To get it, what happens with their donated money. The bond will be supported by e-mail is extremely important. In the United States opened an average of 17% of all NGO-mails and read (eNonprofit Benchmarks Study 2009). Click-through rates are per mail in just under 3%. Not too bad, right?

Here are some facts:
Site Visits German organizations per month:
- Greenpeace: 400,000 unique visits (320,000 different visitors)
- DRC: 350,000 Unique Visits
- Caritas: 150,000 Unique Visits
>> Some 100,000 people so click each month on the site looking for information. It would be a shame if this active interest is not satisfied, right? are active interest, not passively sitting on the couch and interrupted by commercials.

>> This should be only a first thought. Next week it is more towards community fundraising . Go Thank you for your time :-)

-> What have you done so for experience with the above points? Only prejudices, or at least it? Are there any prejudices or fears out of the scene? Any comment is for me and my research work golden. 1000 Thanks!

Best wishes and maybe next week,



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