Friday, May 14, 2010

Stomach Flu And Period

The value of an opt-is to e-mail address for NGOs $ 3.67

The American NGOs generate 40% of online donations as a direct result of a donation in the e-mail from the NGO (see eBenchmarks Study 2010). In the following I attempt to start the average value of a newly-acquired e-mail address for nonprofits to be calculated. As the basis for this eNonprofit Benchmarks Study is 2010th My Score: 3.67 $! goal must therefore be to spend with an online action (such as a petition) is less than $ 3.67 per newly obtained e-mail address. Would have to pay for the German and Swiss market will still be adjusted. Should any new e-mail recipients by WOM advertise another recipient, then the maximum value increased to $ 7.34 for the application. These figures are only the first approximation values, not absolute numbers. Feedback is extremely welcome :-)

Here are the required parameters:
mail volume per month: 3.97 (usually 2 Newsletter, 1 Advocacy, 1 fundraising)
response rate fund-mails: 0.13% Average one-time donation
: $ 81.00
Lost outgoing e-mail addresses per year: 16%
interest rate i = 0.1

Now the calculation:
single donation per mail recipient: include 0.13% * 12 * 81 FR-Mails/Jahr $ = $ 1.26

To the returns of the mail recipient in the coming years, these amounts being lost to the previous mail addresses (16%) and the i rate charge of 10%.

calculation following years: ($ 1.26 * 84%) / (1 +0.1) ^ t

Discounted present value of the donation in the 2nd year: $ 0.96
Discounted present value of the donation in the 3rd year: $ 0.66
Discounted present value the donation in 4.Jahr: $ 0.42
Discounted present value of the donation in the 5th year: $ 0.24
Discounted present value of the donation in the 6th year: $ 0.12

Discounted present value of a newly-generated e-mail address: $ 3.67

we calculate the value on the basis of records for small e-mail lists (<100.000 Empfänger) beträgt der Wert gar 5.25 $.

I welcome feedback and your opinion on the subject :-)

Cheers, Christoph


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