4.0 million new social media users in Germany: ARD / ZDF Online Study
The brand new ARD / ZDF online study is here! The most important results, aufbearbeitet something better than the public broadcasters:
first There are 5.5 million new Internet users in Germany since 2009! This is the largest increase since 2002. They are 49 million people!
second There are 4 million new users of online communities! " They are 15.7 million people and an increase of 34% in 2009!
third There is a saying that online Ü-40 generation is not widely used. The largest group of online users (in millions) is between 40 and 49 years old, to follow the 30-39 year olds and the 20-29 year olds. 100% of 14-19 are online!
4th Use of e-mail and search engine is still by far the most used (each over 80% of Internet users). This is followed by Just like surfing the Internet and search for offers (were due to the "clarity" from the left diagram)
5th Online communities with enormous growth in recent years! 32% of online users are now users of online communities - from an increase by 34% in 2009.
6th I am delighted that their contribution tweeting, posting, or anything else hires them. (Below, you can just click the comments ;-) dat are also seen extremely happy.
7th The complete results will be found at: http://www.ard-zdf-onlinestudie.de/index.php?id=onlinenutzung0
Best regards, Christoph
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