Comic "Action" 2010
Super News afterwards: The Comic Action in Essen!
The term "Action" is now completely wrong on most local comic exchanges there is more going on. Panini and Salleck were Published single class, the Black Tower , Zampano and Comix had disbursements NEN joint stand on the matters of the tinplate . Something offside nor were the guys from IPP, but there has been so for years done nothing more in terms of comics - and that's it then with the glory. There were several dealers there, but subjectively I had the feeling there are fewer.
In artist Allee over the first two days, not just stitched the bear. On the weekend of course, pushed his way there, the young hopeful. Lucky who could find space on the edge, daring between the tables are the passers little first - at least, was my impression.
The nice people of Panini I was signing at noon, the rush was, despite differences in limits but who had been lucky to even catch me in a good mood (even if perhaps not been so obvious), I accordingly gave me effort also nice "sketches" to make. With a sketch and ink, which is a Dreikäsehoch outraged by "The traced from it!" said ... and besides, I had several children wiedermal point out that the cute bunny comics are not really meant for their age group. The present superstars were opposed to all the stress in continuous pictures. What I certainly noticed until now never had the price lists with those for free at many gabs ne mere signature. For the subscribers in the other halls as well from them saw. Well, of something that people have to live so, even if the rumor holds, generally paid by applicants of their host not sure that they meet at such events each image request.
Overall, however, a very relaxed affair, no stress and you could come and chat with friends and colleagues during the event and in the evening, at dinner and in the lounge of the motel. This was a bit outside, but it had a very affordable, uncongested Directions to the venue. Annoying just the cold drizzly weather, for each had to dump in the hotel and the exhibition into the open, with the result that I've captured ne cold, I guess that's the real reason why smokers are sick more often!
have the same time I get in the fair, the most disgusting "Currywurst" of my life. Warm sausage fat in cold, tasteless Fettsoße. The chips went over it yet, but the rest I could choke down just because I "was paid. Were acceptable, however, the kebabs in a hidden corner of the hall. And as always, I had ne camera there - and nothing snapped!
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