The NGO campaigns E-Weekly # 2
Moin Moin,
you for only three selected E-NGO campaigns in the last week. I am very pleased with Retweets and comments. Juhu, Christoph
first Simply ... viral.
creates a small NGO based in UK in one week 300 000 Views on Youtube: In the spot, may "Mario" only for the princess to the castle, if he brings a condom. Delicious made this clip shows how online ad spending to reach without a sea of users. The theme is of course extremely Internet-enabled, but this will be shown as beautiful as a major issue but for the target group can processed relevant.
second Simple ... simple.
I do not know whether racial inequality still can represent a simple and effective than it has done Licra. Has just won an award, and according to Osocio wildly on the web. Here are some other motives:
third Simply ... iPhone. The new
iPhone App of the Swiss section, World Vision has gained my attention. take in an interactive game, the user water at a fountain while avoiding hazards on the road. If many players have worn a lot of water to the well, a sponsor donates a real fountain. After about 10 days, the game was already played about 70,000 times (an estimated 5-15000 player) and the first well is already built by the sponsor. Today I have seen in a major Swiss daily newspaper, a magazine ad for App: World Vision says it so seriously. I like the idea of new prospective customers with an extremely low threshold variant of reach, allowing you to have a positive experience with World Vision and the possibility to give a game actually promote something (even if only marginal). Here's a teaser video and the download link:
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