what should be Bible-or biblical, is not usually so without Another visible.
The first Christians were definitely not true bible. This looks every one, because there was no Bible. There were the writings that we know today as the Old Testament, but one had not at home, but were kept in the synagogue there and read. The scribes and Pharisees, who usually do not come off too well in the Gospels were most likely true Bible, because they considered themselves as strict as possible to the hundreds of regulations and laws that were to be found in the scrolls. This included the Torah (the Five Books of Moses), the Prophets (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel and the Twelve Prophets book) and the writings (Psalms, Job, Proverbs ...). These books were collected over a period of more than 1000 years, in writing, revised several times and finally completed in 135 AD as the Tanakh. The time of Jesus was still working on the text, a "final" version was not yet available.
What we know today as the New Testament came from about 50 to 100 AD, was handed over a long period of time and assembled in various collections. From the year 367 is an Easter letter by the then Bishop of Alexandria, the first time today as the prestigious 27 authentic Greek writings individual listed, we as New Testament . Know The letters
the Clement to the Corinthians, the Epistle of Barnabas and several other texts that were read in the church of the Christian communities in addition to the 27 writings were so out of the book, which was binding on the church.
only with the translation into many languages and the invention of printing, ie around the year 1530, was the Bible for the broad public access to read as far as they could.
So if you called today as biblical, or Bible-because he cares for the regular reading of the Bible and adhere to the to be read by trying to take must be astonished to note that there has only been around 480 years of Bible-believing Christians and biblical can give - a relatively new species in the face of 2000 years of history of Christianity.
The first Christians were definitely not true bible. That was happening already with Jesus. "You have heard ... I say to you" What was the God-fearing man as iron law, disobeyed Jesus, when it came to helping the suffering. Jesus had no ambition to abolish the religious law, but he set the perspective right again. No doubt God had ordered that the Sabbath was to be holy, but when a man got into trouble, then Jesus was a priority for the charity. Of course, you needed money changers and animal traders at the Temple of the prescribed sacrifice to, but when out of the temple a den of thieves has been made, then Jesus took up the whip. Clearly said that God-given law that a woman who is caught in adultery to be stoned must immediately, but Jesus said rather dumb with her finger on the earth than to agree to the prosecutors.
The first church after Jesus' resurrection and ascension, of course, was not Bible-as the components of the Bible were not written later. Apparently caused confusion in many places the question of how far or whether any should be the least disputed law given by God for the Christians. Such questions of interpretation to address many of the letters Paul to his churches. Does the law of God for Christians or Jews to non Jews? Shall we buy and eat meat that comes from things sacrificed to idols? A woman must cover their heads when they pray or not? Can gay Christians to participate in community life?
Paul, who knew the Scriptures of the Old Testament very well, saw things differently than his contemporaries such as Peter, who was a simple fisherman and the majority knew what he had heard in the synagogue or in conversations with Jesus. Paul presented mostly as Jesus the love of the letter of the law, sometimes he also remained at what was in the works, especially in moral matters, But even with the dress code and on the role of women. On other subjects he taught the freedom from the law and stressed the importance in dealing with each other is love.
now claim many today that they were Bible-because they know and apply what they find in the book that did not exist back then. Many called the Bible, even though it ignores a large part of what is in the writings of the Old Testament clearly defined as the Word of God. By the way - where in the Bible the Word of God is mentioned, then at any point in the Bible is meant by that, and certainly not the New Testament. But only on the edge, because the confusion Bible = Word of God despite their obvious lack of logic encountered quite frequently.
is the misfortune that so many outrageous and absurd doctrine "it is written ..." on the ground or "the Bible says ..." is brought to the people. It picks a verse out of context and cemented with the "biblical evidence" to claim that this doctrine may not be contradicted, because they finally stood on a biblical foundation. Own opinions on issues that are addressed at all in the Bible, you can create with the skillful assembly of several torn out of context bible verses still true. Usually it should go to there "as a Christian one not ... "or" as a Christian you have to ... ". One has to read daily Bible for example, as a Christian. A privilege that was in the first 1500 years of Christianity, the people refused. The logical conclusion would be that they were not "real" Christians.
I count myself among them he prefers the unbiblical Christians that read like the Bible, reading and for valuable and fruitful keep their Bible, Old and New Testament seriously. Seriously, not literally. For, as it is written, the letter kills, the spirit giveth life.
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