Friday, August 6, 2010

Moto Cross Birthday Cake

survey results "Social Media Benefits for NGOs"

here briefly the results of my little blog survey. Since my blog is aimed only at Fundraiser & NGO communicators I take the survey just an "expert survey (n = 14). Thank you to all participants!

when the results should be noted that multiple responses were possible!

"What benefits does Social Media for NGOs'

social media has to win, therefore focused on the benefit to new supporters through peer-to-peer communication (85%) and existing supporters of integration and dialogue to activate and bind (78%). to collect

The possibility of new ideas for their own activities was by half of the survey participants provided as a benefit out of social media (50%).

Only 21% believe that through social media and specifically Donations can be generated. However, online (especially in the younger target groups) are rarely directly from a prospective donor. The prospective buyer wants to build, through dialogue and integration first and foremost a relationship with the NGO to decide whether he will continue to support NGOs and possibly with cash donations.

social media therefore provides a low-threshold access to NGO and a way of proactive participation and change.

PS The second survey is just online (see right column). I am also very excited about what you think!

1000 thanks. Best regards, Christoph


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