Saturday, December 18, 2010

Red Lump On The Bumhole

Christmas Christmas-horror homage to John Lennon Comix

In view of the approaching high holy holidays are a small recommendation how to align these with humor behind. With the Horror Christmas Comix of underground comix !

on opulent 400 pages a be served about four dozen stories on, right through the emotions from bitter to touching, to splatterig funny. Amazing what a poor Christmas so everything goes back + can happen around the holidays ... A erklecklicher share of stories has published Steff Murschetz own thought, put his pupils on the implementation available, and of course even resorted to the brush.
Now can we expect in the book no slick professional work, the drawings are pretty mixed the Underground committed. From really good to Well .... there's plenty in various styles and techniques. But that does not detract from the whole but rather from this diversity that makes part of the appeal, the fun the people had the draw is transmitted to the reader - what is missing in so many soulless high-gloss production, unfortunately. Admittedly, not all stories are the bringer (which is the amount of stories not to be expected), but if it tells the tragic story as of the 13th reindeer is a simple mind like that is my back fully satisfied. Ergo
a successful (and still do effective) point to the I have a few geschmökert fun there. If you hurry up, and where the ordered here in time maybe it will have a Christmas tree - but prefer not to show his grandma that could react a little confused ...


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