Sunday, March 6, 2011

Is Pooing Alot Sing Of Pregnacy?

about the inequality among men with

When we talk about inequality among men, this example may not be bad, it senn PICTURE online taken is:

How much is it to be rich, you can see here: the "Antilia" Skyscrapers in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), the Indian Mukesh Ambani for his wife, his three children, his mother and can build for - 37 000 square meters of living space spread over 27 floors , for 6 people.

But the shell is said to have swallowed 58 million U.S. dollars, the cost of electricity will amount to 11,000 euros per month. Fairytale is the ascent of the family: Mukesh Ambanis father grew up in a poor area, but then took it through clever speculation in silver to some wealth, the son of skilled increased even more.
Stay the question of all housewives: Who cleans the everything? 600 staff!

Had to ask you, how many square meters of living 1 staff and what deserves? And the one who understands this issue: social inequality have anything to do with violence?


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